
Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine Insemination services offered in Longwood, FL

Intrauterine Insemination

For many couples who can’t conceive, intrauterine insemination (IUI) is often the first treatment they receive. At the Fertility Center of Orlando, Milton McNichol, MD, has performed many successful IUIs and helped many couples finally build their families. To learn if IUI might be the solution for your infertility, request an appointment at Longwood, Florida, online today or call the office.

Intrauterine Insemination Q & A

What is intrauterine insemination?

IUI helps you get pregnant by inserting a large number of healthy sperm inside the uterus and near the opening of the fallopian tube.

When you get IUI, the sperm don’t need to travel through the cervix and uterus. Additionally, more viable sperm make it into the fallopian tube, where they can meet and fertilize the egg. As a result, you have a much better chance of getting pregnant.

Who is a good candidate for intrauterine insemination?

IUI is a good option for some LGBTQ couples. You may also be a good candidate if you have unexplained infertility and when your infertility is caused by any of the following:

  • Thick cervical mucus
  • Cervical scar tissue
  • Low sperm count
  • Poor sperm movement
  • Ejaculation problems
  • Blocked tubes (in men)

Another way to look at the necessary qualifications for IUI is to consider what you must have for this procedure to work.

Women must have eggs that can mature, be able to ovulate, have unobstructed fallopian tubes, and have a healthy uterus. Men must be able to produce healthy sperm. Women also have the option of using a sperm donor.

What type of intrauterine insemination is superovulation therapy?

Normally, only one egg matures and leaves the ovary during your monthly cycles. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, you can take medications to stimulate multiple eggs to mature. This is called superovulation therapy.

What should I expect during intrauterine insemination?

The first step is to start taking medication to increase the number of eggs that mature. While you’re on medication, you’ll have several brief appointments for ultrasound and blood tests.

The testing allows your provider to make sure everything is going smoothly. Closely monitoring your eggs and hormones also gives them the ability to identify when your eggs are mature and ready to ovulate.

When the eggs are ready, you receive a shot that makes you ovulate within 36 hours. A few hours before your insemination, your partner provides a sperm sample or your donor sperm are thawed. The sperm is prepared by separating them from semen and concentrating the sperm.

The insemination doesn’t take long. Your provider guides a catheter through your cervix and into the uterus, positioning it near the fallopian tube. Then they release the sperm. You lie on your back for a time and then you can go home.

To learn if intrauterine insemination can help you have a baby, call the Fertility Center of Orlando or use the online booking feature today.